Friday, July 1, 2011


When you change your eating habits you also have to change your meal expectations.  For example, eggs can be eaten any time of day and you can have meatloaf for breakfast.  It doesn't matter when you eat a certain food, just that it's a nutritionally good choice.  That being said, I have found it more of a challenge to find good snack options.  If you're not prepared for your mid-day snack attack, you might find yourself reaching for the crackers or chips and we're trying to avoid that.  I have found these two recipes are great snack choices and very versatile so you can change them according to your tastes that day.  They're good enough that even my kids enjoy them and request the kale chips on a regular basis.  So, think outside of the box and have a spinach muffin for your next snack!

Spinach Muffins (this is a recipe I got from the Whole 9 website that I have tweaked a bit)

These muffins are really yummy!  Even if you're not a fan of spinach, give them a try because it really doesn't taste like spinach.  It's going to taste like whatever you season it with so make it good.  They should be stored in the fridge and are delicious straight out of the fridge.  Perfect for any snack attack!

3 - 16 oz bags frozen, organic spinach (I use TJ's)
4 whole eggs
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbsp spice blend*(you can use any spices you would like: Italian spice blend, basil, oregano, curry, garlic powder, onion powder . . . whatever you're in the mood for)
A few shakes of red pepper flakes

*Spice blend (this is the rub for the Dry Rub Burgers from the Everyday Paleo website.  I love it and always have some prepared in the cabinet for seasoning meat and veggies)

1 1/2 Tbsp chili powder
2 1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp ground black pepper

  • Preheat oven to 350
  • Defrost spinach.  This can be done in the microwave or by setting the spinach out on the counter for a few hours or in the fridge overnight.  
  • Drain the spinach REALLY well.  I like to dump the spinach into a colander over the sink and squeeze the life out of it, one handful at a time.
  • Dump spinach in a bowl with garlic and spices you are using.
  • Beat eggs in a separate bowl really well
  • Add beaten eggs to spinach and mix well
  • Spoon evenly into 12 well-greased muffin pan holes and pack down a bit
  • Bake for 30-35 minutes
  • Place on cooling rack to cool a bit before removing from pan
This is the version of the muffins my kids like.  I have tried them many different ways and this is the one the kids enjoy the most.

Kale Chips
Did you know kale is the most nutrient dense vegetable you can eat?  Why not try to eat lots of it!?  I assure you, eating kale chips does not feel like eating veggies.

1-2 bunches of kale, rinsed, dried and roughly chopped (I use the pre-washed, torn kale from TJ's.  It's by the lettuce bags and so easy)
1-2 Tbsp oil
Salt to taste
*you can add different seasoning to change it up
  • Preheat oven to 400
  • Toss kale and oil in a bowl
  • Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil
  • Put kale on baking sheet
  • Bake for 15-25 minutes, tossing once halfway through (I like my kale chips really crispy so I cook them longer, which means they brown up a bit.  You might prefer yours just wilted or lightly crispy on the edges.  Play around with it until you find what works for you.)
  • When done to your liking, remove from oven and sprinkle with salt to taste.  
I leave them on the cookie sheet and the whole family snacks on them all day.  It's nothing to eat an entire batch in one day.  These are the perfect snack solution when you're looking for something salty and crunchy.  Enjoy!!


  1. If these are good (and god knows I am soo picky) this alone will a HUGE factor in me getting through my Whole30. We can't wait to try them. Wendy your blog is awesome. =]]]

    Junior =]

  2. I agree the blog rocks, you're making it very easy (it could only be easier if you came to my house and did it for me) :)
